Utilities: Location search results

Results for Location: 211 (Mt Soche, Blantyre)

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Family    Name    No    Record date    Recorder(s)    Coll.    Det.    Conf.    Herbaria    Habitat    Location    Loc code(s)    Outing code    Planted code    Country    QDS    Grid ref.    FZ Div    Alt. (m)    Notes    Lat    Long    Loc Acc Code   
OrchidaceaeAngraecopsis amaniensis 102520 1964B Morris
B Morris
Over 4500 ft. occassional on Brachystegia.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeAngraecum chamaeanthus 102496 1964B Morris
B Morris
In montane forestMt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeAngraecum sacciferum 102514 1964B Morris
B Morris
Over 5000 ft at the fringes of evergreen forest. Single record, Mt. Soche 4800 ft, in the cleft of a Brachystegia tree. Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeBulbophyllum intertextum 102495 1964B Morris
B Morris
In montane forestMt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeBulbophyllum josephi 102503 1964B Morris
B Morris
On mossy rocks or on the high outer branches of trees, favouring sites where there is a high degree of moisture.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeBulbophyllum maximum 102502 1964B Morris
B Morris
Forming large clusters on rocks and trees.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeCalyptrochilum christyanum 102512 1964B Morris
B Morris
Recorded only from gallery forest at 4000 ft.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeCynorkis debilis 102499 1964B Morris
B Morris
Found amongst granite boulders or at the base of Brachystegia trees.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeCynorkis kirkii 102500 1964B Morris
B Morris
Common on damp rocks at 4500 ft; only occasionally epiphytic. Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeCyrtorchis arcuata subsp. whytei 102517 1964B Morris
B Morris
Abundant at 4000 ft on rocks; less frequent at the higher altitudes. Growing mainly high on the main branches.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeCyrtorchis praetermissa subsp. praetermissa 102518 1964B Morris
B Morris
Recorded only at 4000 ft growing on Msuku (Uapaca kirkiana) trees.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeCyrtorchis ringens 102519 1964B Morris
B Morris
Soche Mt. is perhaps the only locality in the Shire Highlands where this species could be termed common. Here, at 4800 ft., it associates with Polystachya ruwenzoriensis in forming large tangled, humus-gathering masses on tree trunks.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeDiaphananthe stolzii 102494 1964B Morris
B Morris
In montane forestMt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeJumellea walleri 102513 1964B Morris
B Morris
Frequent on the upper branches of savannah trees and on debris-covered rocksMt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeLiparis bowkeri 102501 1964B Morris
B Morris
There are two ecological forms of this common orchid. The savannah form is a smaller plant, with tiny pseudobulbs (not more than 20 mm long), terrestrial, growing amongst humus. The montane variety, also found on Soche, is restricted to evergreen forest and is a larger plant, exclusively epiphytic.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeMicrocoelia globulosa 102515 1964B Morris
B Morris
Primarily a forest species?replacing Microcoelia exilis over 4500 ft but noted also on savannah trees. Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaePolystachya albescens subsp. imbricata 102504 1964B Morris
B Morris
Only two records above 4500 ft, but frequent in gallery forest at the lower altitudes. Loosely epiphytic on rocks or horizontal branches.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaePolystachya brassii 102510 Sep 1964B Morris
B Morris
B Morris

Common on Brachystegia spiciformis over 4500 ft.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain
Also cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 11 part 2: 334, 1998
OrchidaceaePolystachya concreta 102505 1964B Morris
B Morris
Unrecorded above 4000 ft. In woodland near Soche Hill College it is common on rocks.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaePolystachya lindblomii 10250823 Feb 1965B Morris
B Morris
B Morris

A padded carpet on rocks or the level upper branches of trees.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain and cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 11 part 2: 348, 1998. 5
OrchidaceaePolystachya minima 102507 1964B Morris
B Morris
Uncommon. On rocks and trees below 4500 ft.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed as Polystachya malilaensis in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaePolystachya transvaalensis 102497 1964B Morris
B Morris
In montane forestMt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaePolystachya vaginata 10250928 Aug 1964B Morris
B Morris
B Morris

Common over 4500 ft, especially at the borders of the montane forest, on Heteromorpha trifoliata and Cussonia buchananii.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain; also cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 11 part 2: 344, 1998. 5
OrchidaceaePolystachya villosa 102506 1964B Morris
B Morris
On dry lichen-covered rocks near the summit.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeRangaeris muscicola 102516 1964B Morris
B Morris
Common, frequent on rocks and trees. Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeStenoglottis zambesiaca 102498 1964B Morris
B Morris
On rocks and in the humus filled cracks of trees. Frequent, but commoner in the evergreen forest, especially in deep hollows with Streptocarpus spp.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeStolzia repens var. repens 102511 1964B Morris
B Morris
common in Brachystegia woodland over 4500 ft.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeTridactyle tricuspis 102521 1964B Morris
B Morris
The commonest orchid of the woodland, but replaced towards the summit by Jumellia filicornoides found exclusively in the higher strata of savannah trees.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5
OrchidaceaeTridactyle tridactylites 102522 1964B Morris
B Morris
Few records, mostly in the shade of rock outcrops or riparian growth, 4000-4500 ft.Mt Soche, Limbe, Blantyre2110Malawi1535C3 S1500Listed in Morris (1967) epiphytic orchids of Soche Mountain 5

Number of records found: 29

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Caprivi: Utilities: Location search results: Mt Soche, Blantyre.
https://www.capriviflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-location-query.php?location_id=211, retrieved 15 March 2025

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