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The following is a list of the records determined by Stefaan Dondeyne in species name order.
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No | Species | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
42124 | Acalypha petiolaris | 26 Nov 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Old cultivated field | At ISPM, Chimoio | 0 | Mozambique | 1933A2 | MS | 700 | -19.042676 | 33.389475 | 7 | |||||||
42204 | Acalypha petiolaris | 12 May 2009 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Roadside verge | Near school of Chichira | 0 | Mozambique | 1933D3 | MS | 500 | -19.933333 | 33.533333 | 5 | |||||||
42170 | Anthocleista grandiflora | 05 Sep 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Forest margin | Trail to Mt Binga near Nhamadzi river crossing, Lower Chimanimani Mts | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1270 | -19.751664 | 33.059865 | 7 | ||||||
42171 | Anthocleista grandiflora | 29 Sep 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | In clear forest | Slopes above Garuzo Motel, Mt Garuzo, Manica | 0 | Mozambique | 1833C3 | MS | 1000 | Regenerating trees. | -18.951228 | 33.163582 | 7 | ||||||
42256 | Anthocleista grandiflora | 12 May 2009 | S Dondeyne JH Bannerman |
S Dondeyne | Margin of marshy grassland and forest | Tava Marsh, Moribane Forest | 84 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C2 | MS | 500 | -19.746856 | 33.318179 | 7 | ||||||
42409 | Anthocleista grandiflora | 27 Jun 2009 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Riverine forest patch | Nhamadzi river, Chimanimani Mts | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1240 | -19.750687 | 33.058420 | 6 | ||||||
41038 | Bauhinia petersiana | 12 Apr 2010 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Woodland | Mupandeia, road to Tsetsera | 0 | Mozambique | 1932B2 | MS | 640 | -19.239780 | 32.901430 | 6 | |||||||
42075 | Diplorhynchus condylocarpon | 16 May 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Disturbed roadside vegetation | At control post Bela Vista, Gorongosa District | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C1 | MS | 294 | -18.694992 | 34.209372 | 7 | |||||||
41930 | Dombeya rotundifolia | 24 Aug 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Open woodland | Along on the road to the IIAm station, Sussundenga District | 0 | Mozambique | 1933A3 | MS | 600 | -19.335779 | 33.247531 | 7 | |||||||
42118 | Drimia altissima | 20 Nov 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | In rocky grassland | Along path from Chikukwa Camp to forest, Lower Chimanimani Mts | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1932D2 | MS | 1100 | -19.718479 | 32.974062 | 7 | ||||||
42130 | Markhamia obtusifolia | 26 Nov 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Edge of old cultivated field | At ISPM, Chimoio | 0 | Mozambique | 1933A2 | MS | 700 | -19.042676 | 33.389475 | 7 | |||||||
42120 | Parinari curatellifolia | 20 Nov 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Disturbed woodland with large gumtrees | By hut in Chikukwa Camp, lower Chimanimani Mts | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1932D2 | MS | 1000 | -19.714855 | 32.971429 | 7 | ||||||
42410 | Parinari curatellifolia | 27 Jun 2009 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Rocky grassland | After Nhamadzi river crossing, trail to Mt Binga, Chimanimani Mts | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1320 | Stunted trees | -19.753295 | 33.061466 | 7 | |||||
42093 | Paullinia pinnata | 16 May 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Flood area in riverbed | Mucudzo River, Gorongosa District | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C1 | MS | 250 | -18.642251 | 34.210051 | 7 | |||||||
41948 | Phoenix reclinata | 13 Jul 2006 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Along river | Near Choa village, Barue District | 0 | Mozambique | 1833A1 | MS | 1250 | -18.056394 | 33.133644 | 5 | |||||||
42265 | Phoenix reclinata | 04 Jun 2009 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Margin of forest and marshy grassland | Tava Marsh, Moribane Forest | 84 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C4 | MS | 500 | -19.750055 | 33.310099 | 7 | ||||||
41920 | Pteleopsis myrtifolia | 08 Jul 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | In secondary vegetation of cleared mountain forest | Along trail above Garuzo hotel, going to the waterfall, Mt Garuzo, Manica | 0 | Mozambique | 1833C3 | MS | 1000 | -18.936412 | 33.167157 | 7 | |||||||
41925 | Rotheca myricoides | 26 Nov 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | On rocky outcrop | By small dam at Garuzo motel, Manica | 0 | Mozambique | 1833C3 | MS | 900 | -18.963718 | 33.163813 | 7 | |||||||
42003 | Syzygium cordatum | 05 Oct 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Riverine fringe | Bonde River crossing along road from Manica to Tsetsera road. | 0 | Mozambique | 1932B4 | MS | 875 | -19.320875 | 32.904509 | 7 | |||||||
42115 | Syzygium cordatum | 06 Sep 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Woodland with riverine influences | Trail along Nhamhadzi River, lower Chimanimani Mts. | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 750 | -19.717456 | 33.037265 | 7 | ||||||
42235 | Syzygium cordatum | 09 Dec 2007 | BT Wursten P Ballings S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Rocky riverine vegetation in flood area of riverbed | Mussapa pequeno crossing, road to Chikukwa, lower Chimanimani Mts | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 580 | -19.583304 | 33.084355 | 7 | ||||||
42408 | Syzygium cordatum | 27 Jun 2009 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Base of quartzite rocky outcrop in montane grassland. | Muvumodzi headwaters, Chimanimani Mts | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1575 | -19.762404 | 33.073873 | 7 | ||||||
42128 | Tricliceras longepedunculatum var. longepedunculatum | 26 Nov 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | In old cultivated field | At ISPM, Chimoio | 0 | Mozambique | 1933A2 | MS | 700 | -19.042676 | 33.389475 | 7 | |||||||
42167 | Tricliceras longepedunculatum var. longepedunculatum | 20 Nov 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Almost bare disturbed soil. | Along path to forest, close to Chikukwa camp, lower Chimanimani Mts | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1932D2 | MS | 1100 | -19.717476 | 32.973538 | 7 | ||||||
41921 | Vangueria infausta subsp. infausta | 26 Nov 2007 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | On rocky outcrop | By small dam at Garuzo motel, Manica | 0 | Mozambique | 1833C3 | MS | 900 | -18.963718 | 33.163813 | 7 | |||||||
53327 | Xeroderris stuhlmannii | 14 May 2009 | S Dondeyne |
S Dondeyne | Margin of forest and woodland | Footslope of Mt Chinhaunguri, Moribane forest | 84 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C2 | MS | 400 | -19.747640 | 33.374335 | 7 |
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