Records determined by Marais

Determinations: 4

The following is a list of the records determined by Marais in species name order.

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No   Species   Record date   Recorder(s)   Coll.   Det.   Conf.   Herbaria   Habitat   Location   Loc code(s)   Outing code   Planted code   Country   QDS   Grid ref.   FZ Div   Alt. (m)   Notes   Lat   Long   Loc Acc Code   
93481Euphorbia benthamii3 Jan 1959DJB Killick
DJB Killick 3265 W Marais WIND
Caprivi: About 20 miles from Singalamwe on Wenela road to Katima Mulilo.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C21005

Herb; Notes: Euphorbia specie. near E. crotonoides Boiss. Singalamwe area; locally common in forest. Erect herb, 2.

94336Geigeria schinzii subsp. schinzii27 Dec 1958DJB Killick
OA Leistner
DJB Killick OA Leistner 3129 W Marais WIND
Caprivi: Linyanti Area; about 39 miles from Katima on road to Linyanti.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C30

Herb; Notes: Fairly common in Acacia giraffae savannah, shrubby herb, 3-4 feet. Flowers yellow.

95201Hippocratea africana var. richardiana3 Oct 1957JS Watt
JS Watt 35 W Marais H Roessler WIND
Okavango, Rundu District: Okavango Native Territory: Tree growing among rocks next to waterfall between islands on Okavango River at Andara.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821A20

Tree; Notes: Tree resembles Ficus in habit of growth.

93514Vernonia potamophila3 Jan 1959DJB Killick
OA Leistner
DJB Killick OA Leistner 3277 W Marais WIND
Caprivi: Eastern Caprivi Strip. Singalamwe area; about 43 miles from Singalamwe on the road to Katimo Mulilo.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C20

Notes: Occasional in woodlands. Suffrutex 4-5 feet. The heads are white and mauve.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Caprivi: Records determined by Marais., retrieved 14 March 2025

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