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The following is a list of the records determined by Kruger in species name order.
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No | Species | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
94306 | Acacia fleckii | 15 Feb 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 266 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: 7 km along turn-off to Chinchimane from national road - mopane woodland on marshy, wet substrate. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C3 | 0 | -17.875000 | 24.125000 | 4 | |||||||
93195 | Bergia pentheriana | 23 Oct 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 598 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: Middle west Caprivi. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1722D3 | 0 | Herb; Notes: Prostrate perennial herb, basally thick and woody. Stems trailing to terminally ascending, minutely hirsute; branchlets erect. Leaves opposite to whorled; lamina ovate-elliptic, about 8 x 3 mm, denticulate, coriaceous; petiole round; stipules linear, ciliate. Flowers axillary, minute, clustered. Grassy omuramba. | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 2 | ||||||
95637 | Combretum imberbe | 18 Feb 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 340 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: Inkasa Island: malapo on banks of Linyandi River. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1823B3 | 0 | -18.375000 | 23.625000 | 2 | |||||||
95638 | Crotalaria flavicarinata | 12 May 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 515 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: Lupala island - flood plain. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1823B3 | 0 | Herb; Notes: Tall erect herb, 60-75 cm high when in flower. Stems rigid, fluted, basally woody, yellow-green masked by dense, short, silvery, velutinous indumentum. Leaves alternate, trifoliate, petiole long, slender, up to 25 x 1 mm, ascending to spreading, densely velutinous; lamina deltoid-circular in broad outline; pinna obovate to elliptic, apex round to minutely apiculate, base cuneate, margin entire, adaxially glabrous, yellow-green, pellucid-gland-dotted, abaxially grey-green, densely pubescent, midrib prominant, 10-40 x 3-15 mm, median segment slightly larger than lateral 2. Inflorescence a terminal raceame, 20-40 mm long. Flowers about 2 cm long, slightly pendulous. Sepals 5, fused, about 8 mm long, dark green, pubescent. Petals yellow; standard purple streaked, wings slightly orange tinted. Pod elongated, inflated 20 x 8 mm, beaked. Seeds flattened, yellow-brown, shiny smooth, notched about 7-8/pod. | -18.375000 | 23.625000 | 2 | ||||||
93352 | Guibourtia coleosperma | 21 Jan 2005 | S Kruger |
S Kruger 103 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: Omega 3, MAWRD Extension Office. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1722D4 | 994 | 6 m high; Tree; Notes: Tall tree, 6 m high. Leaves alternate, bilobed, 3 cm long petioles. Young shoots zig-zag growth. Stipules present. Lenticels on young shoots. Bark light brown and smooth. Cream coloured flowers with 4 petals. Flowers in spike inflorescence. Common, grows in white sandy soil. | -17.856670 | 22.910560 | 5 | ||||||
93252 | Ochna cinnabarina | 13 Dec 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 641 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: West Caprivi - east of Chetto. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1722D3 | 0 | subshrub; Notes: Subshrub, 50 cm high. Branches pale grey, lenticels conspicuous. Leaves clustered on short branchlets; lamina elliptic - ovate, margin serrate, slightly sinuate, midrib red and prominent, glabrous, 25 x 8 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary; bracts petaloid green to reddish. | -17.875000 | 22.625000 | 5 | ||||||
94354 | Pavetta lasiopeplus | 15 Feb 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 275 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: 10 km along turn-off to Chinchimane from national road - mopane woodland on marshy, wet substrate. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C3 | 0 | Shrub; Notes: Scandent, densely branched shrub, up to 2 m high, growing on termite mound. Branches opposite; young branchlets green, glabrous, terete to laterally flattened. Leaves opposite or clustered on short lateral branchlets, simple, subsessile; stipules intermolar, narrowly linear, 3-4 mm long, caducous; lamina narrowly obovate to elliptic, apex acute, base decurrent, margin entire but somewhat sinuate, 25-60 x 5-20 mm, bright green, glabrous and smooth on both surfaces, soft to the touch, midrib abaxially prominent. Flowers past. Fruit a berry, ovoid, glossy, glabrous, green, indented, 7 mm long, crowned by persistent calyx, borne in terminal globose heads. Sepals 4, ovate, recurved. Filed in WIND under Pavetta zeyheri | -17.875000 | 24.125000 | 4 | ||||||
93273 | Stenostelma capense | 23 Oct 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 597 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: West Caprivi (middle). | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1722D3 | 0 | Geophyte; Notes: Geophyte, 15-20 cm high. Stems slender with dense white, short curled indumentum. Leaves 30 x 1.5 mm, linear, yellow-green, margins involute, subsessile. Flowers in dense, axillary umbels, 4 mm long, peduncle up to 3 cm long. Grassy omuramba. | -17.875000 | 22.625000 | 5 | ||||||
94712 | Striga asiatica | 09 Feb 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 196 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: Near Ngoma. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724D3 | 0 | Herb; Notes: Annual herb, hemiparasitic on grass roots, 15-20 cm high. Stems erect, unbranched, slender with dense, short, white hispid indumentum. Leaves alternate to clustered, simple, sessile; lamina narrowly ovate, apex acute, base cuneate, up to 20 x 2.5 - 3 mm, dark green (not discolouring to black upon desiccation) with extremely dense, scabrous, short, white indumentum along margins and midribs. Flowers solitary, axillary, showy, bilabiate. Petals 5, fused, scarlet, sepals 5, lanceolate, hyaline but green ribbed, persistent. | -17.875000 | 24.625000 | 4 | ||||||
93275 | Strophanthus kombe | 21 Oct 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 277 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: Middle W Caprivi. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1722D3 | 0 | 1 m high; Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 1 m high. Stems profusely branched from base, bark purplish brown with cream-coloured longitudinal fissures, transverse ridges at nodes, young branchlets red-brown with dense, short, white, pubescent indumentum. Leaves opposite ( appearing clustered on compressed dwarf shoots), simple, petiole short, 1 - 2 mm long, adax. Grooved , stout, slightly curved with dense, white velutinous indumentum, lamina obovate to elliptic, apex acute to minutely apiculate. Occasional notched, base cuneate to decurrent, margin entire to sinuate, 2,5-6x1-2,5 cm, adax. Bright green, densely velutinous, abax. Dull pale green, densely velutinous, midrib prominent, soft and velvety to the touch. Flowers past. Fruit a bilobed follicle, borne to main axis, each lobe cylindrical- cuneate, 18 cm long, 1, 5 cm at base tapering to apex, soft and leathery, purplish brown with white lenticular markings, constricted at junction of 2 mericarps with fine yellowish, flocculose indumentum. | -17.875000 | 22.625000 | 5 | ||||||
94365 | Strophanthus kombe | 13 Feb 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 272 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: 7 km along turn-off to Chinchimane from National Road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C3 | 0 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, up to 1 m high. Stems profusely branched from base; bark purplish-brown with cream-coloured longitudinal fissures, transverse ridges at nodes; young branchlets red-brown with dense, short, white pubescent indumentum. Leaves opposite (appearing clustered on compressed dwarf shoots), simple; petiole short, 1-2 mm long, adaxially grooved, stout, slightly curved, with dense white velutinous indumentum; lamina obovate to elliptic, apex acute to minutely apiculate, occasionally notched, base cuneate to decurrent, margin entire to sinuate, 2.5 - 6 x 1 - 2.5 cm, adaxially bright green, densely velutinous, abaxially dull pale green, densely velutinous, midrib prominent, soft and velvety to the touch. Flowers past. Fruit a bilobed follicle, borne perpendicular to main axis; each lobe cylindrical-cuneate, 18 cm long, 1.5 cm at base tapering to apex, soft and leathery, purplish-brown with white lenticular markings, constricted at junction of 2 mericarps, with fine yellowish flocculose indumentum. | -17.875000 | 24.125000 | 4 | ||||||
93279 | Tephrosia caerulea subsp. otaviensis | 23 Oct 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 602 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: West Caprivi (middle). | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1722D3 | 0 | Herb; Notes: Herb, 30-40 cm high. Stems yellow-green, with dense hirsute indumentum. Leaves imparipinnate, 100-120 mm long; leaflets obovate, apex truncate, minutely apiculate, indumentum short white adpressed; stipule 8 x 2 mm. Flowers past. Pods flattened 50 x 4 mm, beaked, with white adpressed indumentum. Grassy omuramba. | -17.875000 | 22.625000 | 5 | ||||||
94903 | Tephrosia villosa subsp. ehrenbergiana var. daviesii | 21 Mar 1989 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 771 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: Impilila Island. | 208 | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1725C3 | 930 | Herb; Notes: Sturdy herb, stems rigid, ribbed, with dense white to yellow hirsute indumentum. Leaves imparipinnate. Leaflets elliptic - obovate, 25 x 10 mm, densely sericeous. Pods falcate to curled, dense yellow hairs. | -17.783300 | 25.207500 | 5 | |||||
95687 | Wahlenbergia undulata | 18 Feb 1988 | GL Maggs |
GL Maggs 324 | S Kruger | WIND |
Caprivi: Inkasa island, malapo on banks of Linyandi river. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1823B4 | 0 | -18.375000 | 23.875000 | 2 |
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