Graminoid; Notes: Erect, annual, up to 40 cm high when in flower. Culms semi-erect to somewhat geniculate, sturdy, terete, with long white indumentum, glandular and terete, with long white indumentum, glandular and sticky, bright green with purple tints at nodes. Leaf blades expanded, tapering gradually towards apex, bright green, 5 - 15 cm x 5 mm, with long, white, straight hairs concentrated abaxially, base auriculate with conspicuous band of long, white, straight hairs on collar. Ligule membranous but fringed along upper margin with white hairs. Leaf sheath circumculmate, glandular, relatively densely pubescent, about 50 mm long, not overlapping. Inflorescence a sticky, open, panicle, narrowly ovoid in outline, about 15 x 3 cm, sheathed at base by foliaceous spathe. Secondary axes delicate, sinuate, not whorled, at most 3 cm long, basally erect but expanding towards middle of axis. Spikelets awnless, minutely ovoid but laterally flattened, 4 - 8 flowered, about 1,5 mm long. Glumes purple, ciliate. |