Notes: Erectly tufted, perennial grass, up to 1 m high when in flower. Culms erect to slightly geniculate at basal nodes, unbranched, terete, relatively sturdy, scarcely gibbose, fresh to yellow-green, nodes dark brown-banded canaliculate, glabrous. Leaf blade narrowly lanceolate to linear, tapering to an acute apex over a length of 10 - 15 cm, expanding to rolled, 4 mm wide, dull blue-green, margins white and thickened, minutely setulose along veins with scattered, long, white, bulbous based hairs, base narrowed and indented to auriculate. Ligule a fringe of short, white, dense hairs, not conspicuous on collar although basal margins of blade bear copious long, white hairs. Leaf sheath loosely circumculmate, keeled but basally imbricate not overlapping: culm apically exposed, blue-green, indumentum of various frequencies to almost glabrous persistent. Inflorescence a spicate raceme, 70 - 120 x 5 - 8 mm borne on deeply canaliculate, slender peduncle, spathe lacking. Spikelets ellipsoid, 2 - 2.5 x 1 - 1.5 mm arranged verticillately around axis. Stalks apically cupular, densely but minutely pubescent as is axis with long, stiff, yellowish clustered bristles. Entire inflorescence scabrous in texture due to setulose bristles. Glumes membranous, pale green to purple, glabrous, awnless. |