Home | > | List of families | > | Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | > | Catharanthus | > | roseus | > | Records |
Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.
Record number | No of images | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
122844 | 0 | 14 Dec 2023 | BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Disturbed roadside. | Macuti, Beira | 0 | Mozambique | 1934D4 | MS | 8 | iNaturalist record | -19.849142 | 34.884236 | 7 | ||||||
122841 | 0 | 14 Dec 2023 | BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Disturbed sandy roadside | Macuti, Beira | 0 | Mozambique | 1934D4 | MS | 6 | iNaturalist record | -19.850780 | 34.884290 | 7 | ||||||
122082 | 0 | 8 Jun 2023 | MA Hyde | MA Hyde | In garden | Aberfoyle Lodge | 73 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 830 | Flowers white | -18.294518 | 32.968607 | 7 | |||||
119750 | 0 | 7 Mar 2023 | MA Hyde J Van Bel | MA Hyde | In garden | 54, Harvey Brown Avenue, Harare | 1 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | C | 1479 | -17.813931 | 31.029798 | 7 | ||||||
117700 | 0 | 19 Jun 2022 | MA Hyde T Alegria | MA Hyde | In a garden | Pleasantways, Cuba Avenue, Harare | 1 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | C | 1518 | -17.769286 | 31.048928 | 6 | ||||||
115937 | 0 | 24 Oct 2021 | MA Hyde M Toet | MA Hyde | Planted | Dandaro Retirement Village | 1,8,229 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | C | 1532 | -17.780829 | 31.080091 | 7 | ||||||
115792 | 0 | 1 Oct 2021 | MA Hyde M Davies | MA Hyde M Davies | In garden | 65, Rhodesville Avenue, Harare | 1 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | C | 1550 | Flowers pure white | -17.812674 | 31.107796 | 6 | |||||
115713 | 0 | 19 Sep 2021 | MA Hyde | MA Hyde | Planted | Blue Kerry, Harare | 1,234 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | C | 1527 | Unusual red-flowered form | -17.779661 | 31.105006 | 7 | |||||
115379 | 0 | 25 Jun 2021 | MA Hyde S Rind R Rind | MA Hyde | In garden | 4, Birley Close, Marlborough, Harare | 1 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1730D2 | C | 1476 | -17.746797 | 30.995548 | 7 | ||||||
106718 | 0 | 6 Nov 2019 | MA Hyde | MA Hyde | In garden | Borrowdale Trauma Centre, Harare | 1 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | C | 1547 | -17.762714 | 31.092544 | 7 | ||||||
106715 | 0 | 5 Nov 2019 | MA Hyde T Alegria | MA Hyde T Alegria | In garden | Mustard Seed, 27, Ridgeway South, Harare | 1 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | C | 1534 | -17.797725 | 31.106431 | 6 | ||||||
102926 | 0 | 18 Aug 2019 | MA Hyde | MA Hyde | Open area | Near Beit Hall, St George's College | 1,51 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | C | 1524 | -17.800997 | 31.057765 | 7 | ||||||
124218 | 1 | 21 Aug 2018 | BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Disturbed roadside verge | Hysteria Lane, Area 3, Lilongwe | 209 | 0 | Malawi | 1433B2 | C | 1036 | -14.007990 | 33.766090 | 7 | ||||||
95712 | 0 | 7 Apr 2018 | MA Hyde | MA Hyde | Open disturbed ground near end of dam wall | Mazvikadei Dam | 26 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1730A2 | N | 1163 | -17.217568 | 30.395153 | 7 | ||||||
94287 | 2 | 17 Mar 2018 | MA Hyde | MA Hyde | Edge of road | Carnac Close, near the junction with Ruth Taylor Road, Gun Hill | 1 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | C | 1526 | One naturalised, depauperate plant | -17.797086 | 31.068008 | 7 | |||||
90939 | 0 | 11 Feb 2018 | MA Hyde | MA Hyde | In flower bed and escaping near to the drive | Garden of 41, Ridgeview Drive, Harare | 1 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | C | 1485 | -17.788679 | 31.014948 | 7 | ||||||
91812 | 5 | 2 Feb 2018 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Disturbed riverine fringe | At compound of Zambezi Nightclub/Restaurant, Katima Mulilo | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724A4 | 938 | -17.482820 | 24.252600 | 7 | ||||||||
67826 | 1 | 16 Jan 2015 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Shallow soils and cracks on rocky plateau. | Near Rhino Hotel, Old Runde Bridge. | 174 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2030D4 | S | 570 | -20.895269 | 30.772735 | 7 | ||||||
67872 | 1 | 16 Jan 2015 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Sandy soils in open rocky woodland. | Near Rhino Hotel, Old Runde Bridge. | 174 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2030D4 | S | 566 | White-flowered form | -20.894835 | 30.772269 | 7 | |||||
68357 | 0 | 16 Jan 2015 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Disturbed bare areas. | Rhino Hotel fuel station and truck stop by new Runde Bridge along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd, Mwenezi. | 174 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2030D4 | S | 568 | White-flowered form | -20.894166 | 30.778205 | 7 | |||||
64591 | 0 | 11 Jan 2015 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Disturbed roadside verge | Road from Mahenye at Mtandahwe Irrigation Scheme. | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2132A1 | E | 376 | White-flowered form | -21.012939 | 32.200930 | 7 | ||||||
64464 | 0 | 2 Jan 2015 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Disturbed and overgrazed areas. | Along road from Rupangwana to Mahenye around Mutandahwe. | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2132A1 | E | 372 | -21.003609 | 32.169701 | 6 | |||||||
64252 | 0 | 1 Jan 2015 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Weedy species in disturbed bare soils in rocky garden area. | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | 75 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2031A1 | S | 1077 | -20.218675 | 31.009319 | 7 | ||||||
60345 | 1 | 21 Jun 2014 | BT Wursten T Castigo | BT Wursten | Wooded rocky outcrop | Bue Maria, Gorongosa National Park | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1934A1 | MS | 115 | Both white and pink-flowered forms present | -19.022750 | 34.180590 | 7 | |||||
59226 | 1 | 26 Apr 2014 | S Holt | S Holt | Upper part of sandy beach | Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique | 0 | Mozambique | 2135C4 | GI | 5 | Very common | -21.949522 | 35.316315 | 7 | ||||||
58204 | 1 | 26 Oct 2013 | BT Wursten S Dondeyne K Dekoninck | BT Wursten | Disturbed and cleared areas with some secondary vegetation | Along footpath from Zomba to Magorogodo | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 252 | -19.905910 | 33.205010 | 7 | |||||||
57883 | 0 | 23 Oct 2013 | BT Wursten S Dondeyne K Dekoninck | BT Wursten | Disturbed area | Suburban area, Manica | 0 | Mozambique | 1832D4 | MS | 740 | White form | -18.939750 | 32.860230 | 7 | ||||||
42915 | 0 | 7 Sep 2012 | BT Wursten S Dondeyne | Disturbed vegetation. | Near Heroes Star Monument, main road, Manica. | 0 | Mozambique | 1832D4 | MS | 718 | Pink form | -18.936034 | 32.869615 | 7 | |||||||
42914 | 1 | 1 Sep 2012 | BT Wursten S Dondeyne | In crack in driveway | Hotel Castelo Branco, Chimoio | 0 | Mozambique | 1933A2 | MS | 710 | Pink-flowered form | -19.108002 | 33.469764 | 7 | |||||||
38143 | 2 | 7 Jan 2012 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | In thin soil over rocks | By the lodges, Lake Kyle Recreational Park | 75 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2031A1 | S | 1090 | Both white and mauve forms escaping onto rocky area | -20.218730 | 31.008680 | 7 | ||||||
37258 | 0 | 29 Dec 2011 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Escaping in garden | Pink Papaya, Chimoio | 0 | Mozambique | 1933A2 | MS | 720 | -19.110530 | 33.472230 | 7 | ||||||||
37257 | 0 | 29 Dec 2011 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Cultivated in garden | Pink Papaya, Chimoio | 2 | Mozambique | 1933A2 | MS | 720 | Both mauve and white flowered forms present | -19.110530 | 33.472230 | 7 | |||||||
34100 | 0 | 2 Jan 2011 | BT Wursten P Ballings | Disturbed roadside vegetation | Pungwe Bridge, Honde Valley road | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 694 | -18.388120 | 32.950710 | 7 | ||||||||
117231 | 0 | 31 Dec 2010 | BT Wursten P Ballings C Sharp | BT Wursten | Margin of remnant forest and hotel grounds. | Aberfoyle Lodge, Honde Valley. | 73 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 830 | iNaturalist record | -18.293960 | 32.968640 | 6 | |||||
32732 | 0 | 18 Sep 2010 | MA Hyde | Open grassy area | Near Aberfoyle Lodge | 73 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 830 | White flowered. Naturalised. | -18.294560 | 32.968060 | 7 | ||||||
41784 | 1 | 19 May 2010 | D Gwynne-Evans | D Gwynne-Evans | Lower slopes Mt Mabu | 87 | 0 | Mozambique | 1636A4 | Z | 700 | White-flowered form | -16.284667 | 36.417675 | 6 | ||||||
25156 | 0 | 6 Jan 2009 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Generally weedy area with some mature trees. | Near Lodges, Crocodile Farm, Kariba | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1628D2 | N | 490 | Planted and escaping. | -16.545460 | 28.875650 | 0 | |||||||
42735 | 1 | 1 Mar 2008 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Disturbed soil. | Along path near Morumbodzi Falls, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa. | 4,71 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834A3 | MS | 820 | White form | -18.483283 | 34.040750 | 7 | |||||
20496 | 0 | 29 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Roadside | By rd from Gwanda to Tuli | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2129C1 | QG123208 | S | 780 | Naturalised | 0 | ||||||||
24593 | 1 | 18 Nov 2007 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB990 | In disturbed stony soil at roadside. | Bué Maria, Nhambita | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1934A1 | MS | 108 | Pink form | -19.022350 | 34.180683 | 7 | |||||
32653 | 3 | 17 Jun 2007 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Disturbed bare soil | Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa. | 4 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C1 | MS | 679 | -18.511785 | 34.050433 | 7 | ||||||
16385 | 2 | 17 Feb 2007 | BT Wursten | Among rocks near river | Umvumvumvu Gorge | 47 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932D1 | E | 885 | -19.529820 | 32.634350 | 7 | |||||||
307 | 1 | 18 Apr 2004 | MA Hyde | Disturbed ground | Base of rocky hill near Mazvikadei Dam wall | 26 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1730A2 | TR228947 | N | 1160 | 0 | ||||||||
29286 | 0 | 5 Dec 2002 | MA Hyde | Open area | Near refreshment kiosk, Great Zimbabwe | 62 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2030B4 | S | 0 | Depauperate escape | 0 | ||||||||
124573 | 0 | 1 Apr 2002 | MA Hyde | MA Hyde | Roadside | Besna Kobila | 57 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1501 | -20.434620 | 28.733620 | 6 | ||||||
113006 | 0 | 2001 | Maputo Elephant Reserve | 226 | 0 | Mozambique | 2632B4 (QDS approximate) | M | 0 | Listed in SABONET News 7(1), 2001 23-29 Provisional Plant Checklist of the Maputo Elephant Reserve. | 2 |
Total records found: 46
Home | > | List of families | > | Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | > | Catharanthus | > | roseus | > | Records |