Orbea valida (N.E. Br.) Bruyns
subsp. valida


Orbea valida subsp. valida

Image details:

Species id:146700
Image id:1
Image number:17473
Photographer: L Walter
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:Not common; in a restricted area. Literature: "Stapelieae from South Tropical Africa, I" L.C.Leach, Journal of South African Botany, Vol 31, Part 3, July 1965. This appears to have been the fourth record in the country.

Record details:

Record id:60143
Date: Feb 1965
Recorder(s):L Walter
Determiner(s):L Walter
Habitat: Mopane scrub on Kalahari sand
Location: Lupane District, Western side.
Location code(s):
Outing code:
Planted code: Not planted
Country: Zimbabwe
Quarter Degree Square: 1827D3 (QDS approximate)
Grid reference:
FZ Division: W
Altitude (metres): 1000
Notes: Not common; in a restricted area. Literature: "Stapelieae from South Tropical Africa, I" L.C.Leach, Journal of South African Botany, Vol 31, Part 3, July 1965. This appears to have been the fourth record in the country.
Latitude, Longitude:
Location accuracy code: 1

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Caprivi: Species information: individual images: Orbea valida.
https://www.capriviflora.com/speciesdata/image-display.php?species_id=146700&image_id=1, retrieved 22 December 2024

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